Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Freedom, Redemption International Repatriation

“The Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress E.A.B.I.C., formely A.N.C.
was founded and established on March 1st, 1958, by The Most Right Honorable King Emmanuel Charles Edwards The Lord Servant, The Black Christ in Flesh; to bring forth Freedom, Redemption, International Repatriation, with Reparations.
(Micah 4) Every man and woman to return to their own vine and fig tree through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (articles 1-30).

The Sabbath to be kept holy. (Exodus 20 & 31).”



Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey

"Africa for the Africans, those at home
and us abroad"

Hon. King Emmanuel
Charles Edwards

"Freedom, Redemption
and International Repatriation"

His Imperial Majesty
Haile Selassie I

"Africa awaits its creation
and its creators"

Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Church of True Divine Salvation

Headquarters at 10 miles, Bull Bay P.O, Saint Andrew, JAMAICA | Email:

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