The committees were formed and implemented by the Parliament, to aid the Congress in our fundamental economic structure moving forward. With the work of the committees, it is clearly the extension arm of the Parliament in its administration and duties. As a united body of people, we cannot excel without an economic background, as we are to function in a balanced way, spiritual and temporal. And implementing the practical side of our work, because faith without works is dead.
“Money is the prop of life; in that it pays for all necessities and offers security for all opportunities. In earning money, one should never spend as much money as he earns. That is bad business.”
– Rt.Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey
Trade and Clothing Line Committee
The Trade and Clothing Line Committeeisestablished to do commerce on behalf of the E.A.B.I.C. as one of the sources of incomewithin the economic structure of the congress.
Education Committee
The EducationCommitteewasformed to educateourselves and especiallyourchildrenwithin the E.A.B.I.C. and the Africanyouths at home and abroad. “Educationwithout Justice isSlavery” (The Right Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards).
Agriculture Unit
The Agriculture Unit wasformed and put in place to establish the agriculture work in the E.A.B.I.C. in Africa and abroad. Also, to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle amongCongressmembers and ourAfricanbloodbrothers.
Financial Economics Committee
The F.E.C.wasspawned out of the Congress first EconomicSummit. It wasestablished to lay a fundamentaleconomic structure for the E.A.B.I.C. internationallymovingforward.
IT Committee
The Information TechnologyCommittee (IT) wasformed to make the E.A.B.I.C. capable of securingits data and keepingourselvesprivate, whilestayingabreastwith the present technologies that are operating within the ever-changing world.
PR Committee
The Public Relations Committee (PR) wasformed to aid the E.A.B.I.C. in controllingour narrative in relation to the public at-large and within the Congress. To articulateourway of life and culture as weexperienceit. Not whatothersmay observe or bemisinformed about.
Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Church of True Divine Salvation
Headquarters at 10 miles, Bull Bay P.O, Saint Andrew, JAMAICA | Email: