WOMAN of right Is goddess In flesh
The Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Woman Freedom Liberation League (E.A.B.I.C.W.F.L.L.) was formed on March 23rd, 1980, by the Rt. Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards, as part of the E.A.B.I.C. Church of Salvation. The purpose of the League is to give the empresses of the Congress a voice of right to uplift, inspire, and culture all black woman to a right in themselves and to learn of the “twenty-one-day purification principle”. All works of the League is the work of the Congress, as it is not separate, but one with the Congress.
“We count on the woman of Africa. Without their relentless vigilance no aspect of our responsibilities can be attained. The woman role has never been so demanding, and you can be proud to answer the call for the betterment and future of mankind”.
– H.I.M. Haile Selassie I
“All woman of the world should struggle to bring peace and justice.”
– Empress Menen Asfaw