The Parliament of the EthiopiaAfrica Black International Congress (E.A.B.I.C.) Church of Salvation, wasestablished by the Rt. Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards. It consists of 33 members; King Emmanuel as the onlyPresident, Leader, Founder, God and King, Melchizedek King of Salem (Hebrews 7), along with 32 othermembers including the EmpressLeague. The Parliamentis the governing body of the E.A.B.I.C. and isguided by the Constitution, alsoestablished by King Emmanuel.
“Wewould not concludetodaywithoutsomewords of advice to the members of Parliamentassembledbefore Us. Each new Parliament has benefitedfrom the experience of the Deputies and Senatorswho have gone beforethem.”
– H.I.M. Haile Selassie I
“I asked, “Whereis the black man’s Government?” “Whereishis King and hiskingdom?” “WhereishisPresident, his country, and hisambassador, hisarmy, hisnavy, his men of big affairs?” I could not findthem, and then I declared, ‘I will help to makethem. ’”
–Rt. Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey
“I am the Parliament, and the Parliamentis I.”
–Rt. Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edward
“Eachyear, as We attend the opening of a new session of parliament, Webow in thanks to AlmightyGod for the gifts which He has bestowed on Our beloved country and pray for hiscontinued support and strengththroughout the coming year.”
-H.I.M. Haile Selassie I
Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress Church of True Divine Salvation
Headquarters at 10 miles, Bull Bay P.O, Saint Andrew, JAMAICA | Email: